August 02, 2011

How to install Windows 7 on Mac

The people who own a Mac had faced a problem where they have to use windows on their computer. The situation may be arising because of particular software which is compatible with windows and using them will require installing the windows on your Mac. You can install Windows on your Mac through Apple's Boot Camp.

First back up the contents of the hard drive of your Mac. 

Browse to Application and click Utilities folder and then double click to open the Boot Camp Assistant on your Mac.

Choose a size to partition your drive. This will be how much room you have on the Windows side of your Mac. Choose this number based on if you're planning on playing a lot of games, or just running a few programs. It is better to allocate 25GB of space to Windows 7 in order to avoid frequent crashes of programs.

Once the partitioning is done, insert your Windows install CD into your Mac, and click "Start Installation." Your Mac will turn off, and begin Windows installation. Click through the dialog boxes until asked which partition you would like to install Windows in.

Click on the "BOOTCAMP" partition, click "Options," and then "Format." Click "OK" in the following dialog box. When it's done formatting, click the "BOOTCAMP" partition again, and install Windows on that partition.

The last step is to install audio drivers for your computer on to Windows. Insert your Snow Leopard  CD while booted into Windows. This will install Boot Camp Assistant and all your drivers on the Windows side. Once this installation is complete, you officially have Windows on your Mac. To switch back and forth between Windows and Mac, simply press the "Option" key on your computer when you power up your Mac.

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  1. I have just installed Windows 7 on my Mac PC, thanks for the guide.

  2. Good job! This is the kind of information that must be shared across the Web.Thanks for sharing.

  3. Intersting and beautiful blog lovely presentation thanks for sharing your views..

  4. How to install Windows on Macbook without Boot Camp from USB drive - the really working tutorial:

  5. can i install it on an external drive?


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